Make sure you have the most recent updates. Make sure that the OneDrive for Business sync app is up-to-dateOneDrive for Business is frequently updated.You can also do a ctrl+alt+del and click on the running processes tab and scroll down and look for groove.exe in the list. Look at this graphic to determine for sure. If you are having problems with OneDrive personal or the OneDrive for Business Next Gen Sync Client, the link above will direct you to fixing those problems! Repair Your OneDrive for Business (Groove) Sync Clientįirst, you’ll need to be sure that you have the Groove sync client. I’ll go into detail only for the new steps. Most of what I wrote last year is still applicable. The steps I’m going to cover are all in this great OneDrive support article. Since last September, Microsoft has stepped up their ways to help us fix Groove sync problems. This has been a popular article and if your company is still using the Groove client because of whatever reason I highly suggest you get the Next Gen Sync Client.
Check out my services page for more information. If you need help with sync errors for your business, I have a service to help business owners or individuals fix their sync problems. Editor’s Note – this article is updated on 3-23-2017 because new tools and processes have come out to help you fix your OneDrive For Business and SharePoint syncing errors.